
Zmarnowana szansa Putina

Kryzys gospodarczy nie nakłoni rosyjskich władz do drugiej pierestrojki

Clear as mud

The prospect of a Conservative government in the UK will be just the latest in a long line of challenges for the European project

EU?s failure in Georgia

The EU’s ‘Georgia report’ needs to be seen in light of the EU’s previous performance in the troubled country

What Does Russia Think?

If we want to deal with Russia, we need to understand it. But the EU doesn’t want to.

Missile defences, bald men and combs

In spite of Czech and Polish objections, the Obama administration was right to drop plans for radars and rocket interceptors in central Europe

A toss of the coin

As the world tries to deal with a rebellius Iran, Europe keeps on discussing internally. A ?yes? in Ireland would put an end to this.