
If Sun Tzu went to Gymnich

European foreign ministers at the informal Gymnich meeting should take a leaf out of Sun Tzu’s book, and discuss the larger trends shaping Europe’s place in the world rather than institutions and methods

Partners in decline

Europe is an easy target for a frustrated Washington. But this misses a fundamental point. The US and Europe are the best allies they?ve each got. Both are declining powers that need to stick together

The new Europe

Lisbon Treaty, Von Rompuy, Ashton, External Action Service: what does it all mean for Europe?

Europe et op?rations ext?rieures

Daniel Korski et Richard Gowan sur la strat?gie de s?curit? civilo-militaire de l?UE. L?Europe peut-elle passer de la rh?torique ? l?action?

Orlando’s refusal

Spain’s policy on Cuba it’s a wait-and-see attitude, and not an absurd one; but we should not use the word “policy”

“Mushtarak”, le Guadalcanal agfhan?

Daniel Korski dans le Monde sur l?op?ration Mushtarak en Afghanistan et pourquoi elle doit ?tre une campagne militaire et politique et pas simplement une bataille

Europe and the G20: Between Obama and Sarkozy

Most Europeans agree that the EU needs to sharpen up its act in multilateral institutions like the G20. The US won’t take us seriously if we don’t. The trouble is working out how

In defence of Europe

European defence ministers are meeting at a difficult time, with Robert Gates accusing Europeans of threatening Euro-Atlantic security, and the recent collapse of the Dutch government over Afghanistan. The defence ministers urgently need to re-examine how the continent thinks about its security

Piñata capitalism

Europe should have a stronger voice when it comes to reforms in the financial system