
The Two-State Stress Test

ECFR's new innovative project – the Two-State Stress Test – provides an annual health-check on whether developments across seven different areas are serving to strain or sustain a possible two-state outcome for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Judging the Arab Spring

How to assess whether a post-revolutionary country is actually heading somewhere positive? Tunisia struggles onward, Libya pursues its own unique post-revolutionary path but Egypt’s democratic regression is truly worrying

Asia: Taking the EU seriously?

All indications are that the European Union is still having a hard time with East Asia. Despite a series of high-profile summits with China, Japan and Korea the EU is struggling to find a common approach

Ukraine and Bulgaria show power of EU model

There are still countries in Europe where protestors enthusiastically wave the EU's star-studded flag rather than burning it in anger. These days Kiev's embattled EuroMaidan is as much the heart of the Union as the Schuman roundabout in Brussels. So who said Europe lacks a story and a cause?

The Ukrainian #Euromaidan

The outcome of the protests in Ukraine is uncertain. President Yanukovych is exploring re-negotiation with the EU; the opposition is getting more organised. But how should the EU and the world react to the situation in Ukraine?

What if… the EU had offered a membership perspective to Ukraine?

Commentators rue the “missed opportunity” of 2004 and present the membership perspective as a panacea. Instead, they should be asking what functions and demands the EU approach should fulfil and only then, whether a membership perspective would be suitable

What does the German coalition agreement mean for the eurozone?

From a European perspective, the German coalition agreement is better that the status quo – but it does not contribute to the economic recovery of the eurozone, and it is disappointing when it comes to banking union

European defence summit: It’s groundhog day again

The run-up to next month’s European defence summit is acquiring a surreal aura, as projects first mooted a decade ago are dusted off for ‘endorsement’ by the assembled national leaders – with no conviction in anyone’s heart that they will fare any better this time around

Third time lucky in Geneva

The E3+3 and Iran met for a third time in Geneva to sign an interim agreement on the future of Iran’s nuclear ambitions. While not perfect, the deal is a springboard for future negotiations and sets a solid foundation for talks between the E3+3 and Iran to continue

Europe’s self-hating parliament

The Eurosceptics do not support the existence of the EU and by extension they oppose the European Parliament, into which they are seeking election. If, as polls predict, Eurosceptics emerge with strong support, we may see a “self-hating Parliament” that ultimately wants to secure its own abolition