
Kazakhstan: Perspectives on Eurasian integration

As a member of the Moscow-led EEU, Astana has suffered from Russia’s economic slowdown, and now aims to become the transport and gas hub of Central Asia

Greece: Perspectives on Eurasian integration

Facing financial woes and the simmering threat of “Grexit” from the EU, Athens is in need of new investment from Russia and China

Azerbaijan: Perspectives on Eurasian integration

Located at the heart of Eurasia and with strong energy resources, it is a key territory for regional integration projects, but Baku is fighting to stay neutral

The ‘European Pivot’

A speech held by Tristram Hunt MP at the ECFR event The UK’s foreign policy post-referendum: One hundred years of solitude? on 8 June 2016

Eurasian integration: Caught between Russia and China

European policymakers worry about Russian and Chinese integration efforts, which push them to think more strategically about the Eurasian landmass

Rethink: Europe EU28 survey

Which are the most like-minded governments in the EU? Which governments have disappointed their peers? The Rethink: Europe EU28 survey provides answers

Armenian genocide, German realpolitik

At a time when Germany and the EU are depending on Turkey’s help to solve the refugee crisis, the German political class clearly feels the need to demonstrate that this does not give Turkey a free hand when it comes to democracy and human rights issues

The European border guard: New in name only?

The migrant crisis has spurred reforms to Europe’s border agency Frontex, but it can only be as strong as member states allow it to be

Post-Humanitarian Europe

This week’s World Humanitarian Summit was an opportunity to discuss how to assist the suffering, yet the entire process showed much of the humanitarian sector at its most fragmented and self-indulgent