
What Europe should do about Syria

European states pushing to re-engage must not offer Assad cost-free re-legitimisation

Warsaw ‘Iran’ summit: What lies beneath

ECFR experts share their insight into the manouevres around next month’s US-Poland summit. What does it mean for the JPCOA, and what steps should European countries take in response?

The networked Union: in search of power couples

The EU28 of today miss much of their network potential for joint action. According to ECFR's EU Coalition Explorer the vast majority of bilateral ties appear to be underdeveloped

Brexit disorder: Corbyn and May

The British prime minister and the leader of the oppositions are stuck in cynicism and opportunism

Tunisia – between instability and renewal

Strikes and elections are raising the tension in Tunisian society and politics. The socio-economic divisions that led to the 2011 revolution still afflict the country and are causing increased public disaffection

Wall in: The Eurosceptic challenge in Croatia

The collapse of the left and the rise of eurosceptisism have changed the Croatian political landscape ahead of the 2019 European Parliament elections.