Unlock Europe’s Majority

Press release: Almost 100 million swing voters up for grabs in EU elections, according to major new report

ECFR report, backed by pan-European polling, debunks ‘five myths’ about the forthcoming election. Finds evidence of volatility, rather than a shift to extremes, in Europe’s electorate – with up to 30 percent of voters yet to decide how to cast their ballot. ‘Belief in the system’ is the key indicator towards understanding and engaging the electorate

A majority of Europe’s voters do not consider migration to be the most important issue, according to major new poll

Corruption, living standards, housing, unemployment and health rank above, or alongside, migration as key issues for European voters. Despite anti-immigration rhetoric across Europe, many voters view domestic issues as chief concerns. Voters in Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain are more concerned about people leaving their country than coming in