European Power

Reinventing Europe: Finland – from a model pupil into a troublemaker?

As part of the ’Reinventing Europe' project, ECFR is publishing a series of papers on the national debates within EU member states over the crisis and the future direction of Europe. In the eleventh of the series Teija Tiilikainen analyses the situation in Finland.  

China and the US: mirror image challenges

The leadership election in the US and the selection in China are mirror images of each other. So are the challenges that each will face, with implications not just for the US and China, but for the rest of the world.   

Too much alarm

Ian Bremmer and Mark Leonard see the western liberal order in danger. But shifts in Germany’s international outlook may not be the trigger as change has many sources.  

A guide to China’s leadership changes

Ahead of the selection of China’s new leadership on November 8th, Thomas König of ECFR’s China Programme explains what the process involves, who the new men will be, and why it matters.  

U.S.-German relationship on the rocks

A fundamental shift in interests and outlook is leaving the United States and Germany with potentially irreconcilable differences. This widening divide between Berlin and Washington may threaten the entire Western alliance.  

Reinventing Europe: Denmark caught between ‘ins’ and ‘outs’

As part of the ’Reinventing Europe' project, ECFR is publishing a series of papers on the national debates within EU member states over the crisis and the future direction of Europe. In the tenth of the series Lykke Friis and Jonas Parello-Plesner analyse the situation in Denmark.  

Europe must show Spain it is the answer

Spain’s economy needs a smart rescue which is not focused on deficit targets but one that provides the financial stability to make structural reforms work, revitalise the economy and keep the country together.  

Why Poland is the new France for Germany

Germany and Poland have become close political allies. The future of the European Union may be decided in Berlin and Warsaw. But has Poland replaced France as Germany's most trusted European partner?