European Sovereignty

The foundation of a sovereign Europe

European sovereignty can only be attained with the consent of its peoples, and with the protection of social solidarity and security, says Council Member Georgi Pirinski

Spending to defend: NATO and the EU’s new budget

The European Union’s spending priorities in the next budget round could support both NATO’s changing defence requirements, and the EU’s standing with its own citizens, says ECFR Council Member Hanna Ojanen

The new tyranny of the dollar

Among the many legacies that US President Donald Trump received from his predecessors is a “secondary sanctions” regime that allows the US to bar malign actors from most of the global economy. Under Trump, however, this sophisticated set of tools has become a bludgeon with which to threaten allies

Present at the Destruction

At the UN General Assembly last week, it was clear to most that the post-war multilateral system is now an artifact of a bygone era. The new world order that is currently emerging will be defined less by shared principles, and more by the whims of individual leaders and governments