
View from Madrid: The many-faced Janus

Spain is inclined towards conditional accommodation with Russia but tends to refrain from open overtures towards Moscow

View from Rome: Reflection before renewal

Italy sees the European Council as a forum for policy and political discussion, where measures should be debated instead of simply adopted. 

View from Paris: The Syrian prism

'Selective engagement' echoes perfectly France's preferred approach to Russia

View from Berlin: Keeping Europe’s cool

Merkel does not want an escalation of Russia-bashing out of fear, as it would only reward the Kremlin’s scaremongering. 

‘New KGB’ plans betray Putin’s anxiety

If true, this would be a serious shift in policy, reflecting a dawning awareness on Putin’s part that his old strategies for governing Russia are looking increasingly ineffective. 

Putin’s gamble on Russia’s Duma elections

Putin has sought to improve the apparent transparency of the electoral process while simultaneously strengthening the chance of a United Russia win. But pulling the election date forward delivers a short term benefit at the expense of longer term risk