Wider Europe

How Russia weaponized Eurovision – not

It’s not that pop culture has been weaponised. It’s more that Russia’s geopolitical adventures over the last several years owe at least as much, if not more, to Jerry Springer as they do to Soviet military doctrines.

EU-Russia relations in the Arctic on ice

Pending any major breakthrough in Ukraine or Syria, Brussels needs to decide whether it is willing to compromise its position on Ukraine (perhaps by excluding the Russian offshore Arctic from sanctions) for the sake of symbolic recognition at the Arctic Council of its Arctic interests

Will the EU prolong economic sanctions against Russia?

The lack of progress on the Minsk agreement means not only that the condition of fully implementing the agreement remains unfulfilled – it has also effectively killed the idea of a partial easing of sanctions

A Turkish reshuffle spells trouble for Europe

Davutoğlu’s departure may cut the EU and Turkey’s honeymoon period short, and endanger the refugee deal agreed just two months ago

No reforms, no aid for Ukraine

The West should require Kyiv to take these specific steps to fight graft before disbursing further aid

Hungary in the grip of a bear hug

 After six years of Orbán’s government, the country is much more dependent on Russia than it was in 2010, while Russia has gained influence over Hungarian politics, and potentially a way to interfere in EU decision-making