Programme entry

A new social and political contract for Europe

“Taking back control” should be the new slogan of a new political union, as only by joining forces can governments wrest control of fiscal policies, offer a new social contract and regenerate their democracies.    

View from Berlin: Subdued shock

Political Berlin has been has been in a state of subdued shock following the Brexit vote

Leave the UK alone

In the brouhaha following the United Kingdom’s historical vote to leave the EU, the two worst risks confronting Europe are complacency and obsession with the UK

View from Warsaw: Loss of an ally

With the UK gone, Poland, under the Law and Justice (PiS) government, will lose its favourite ally within the EU

View from Paris: The need for certainty

The three-word motto cited by Hollande in his statement could serve as a summary of what is needed “freedom, solidarity, and peace”

View from Rome: A harsh wake-up call

All in all, the sentiment in Italy is that, at the end of the day, the UK has never truly been part of Europe

Brexit and Europe’s new insurgent parties

As the political earthquake caused by the UKIP-orchestrated British leave vote reverberates across the EU, the full force of European anti-establishment parties is hitting home

Brexit: The foreign policy implications

The people have spoken. But yesterday’s vote to leave the European Union is only the beginning of what will be a long and uncertain process of divorce. 

The ‘European Pivot’

A speech held by Tristram Hunt MP at the ECFR event The UK’s foreign policy post-referendum: One hundred years of solitude? on 8 June 2016

Rethink: Europe EU28 survey

Which are the most like-minded governments in the EU? Which governments have disappointed their peers? The Rethink: Europe EU28 survey provides answers