The law of the ‘Jungle’
With the future of the Dublin system up for grabs, families are still being divided by mistrustful governments
With the future of the Dublin system up for grabs, families are still being divided by mistrustful governments
Възможността да намерим и да продължим да намираме общи европейски решения на кризата ще има дълготрайно въздействие върху нашата способност да действаме заедно в бъдеще
The ability to find and keep finding joint European solutions to the crisis will have a lasting impact on our abilities to act united in the future
Can Merkel keep the European and domestic coalition afloat?
Contradictory approaches are built into the system of Europe’s migration and asylum policies
With domestic pressure over migration numbers growing, Angela Merkel is the EU leader most eager to engage with Turkey
The sixth ECFR Foreign Policy Scorecard highlights the EU’s diminishing ability to influence its neighbours, and the neighbourhood’s growing impact on the EU
“Change in EU-Turkey Relations” was the topic of our BCM on January 13, we discussed with Asli Aydintasbas, Fuat Keyman and Ernst Reichel.
What are the elements that Europe needs to bring together to tackle the refugee crisis?
Quatrième podcast de la série consacrée à la crise des réfugiés. Tara Varma, coordinatrice du bureau de Paris de l'ECFR, discute avec Bassma Kodmani,…