A flammable peace: Why gas deals won’t end conflict in the Middle East
The discovery of gas reserves in the eastern Mediterranean could create an “economic peace”
The discovery of gas reserves in the eastern Mediterranean could create an “economic peace”
In 2017, differences between European leaders and US President Donald Trump on several global security objectives have strained transatlantic relations. Nowhere are these differences more…
Damascus has continually rebuffed Russian efforts to pivot to a political track, highlighting Moscow’s apparent inability to rein in its client
The policy is certainly morally questionable, but is it also unlawful?
Trump’s Jerusalem announcement and Netanyahu’s visit have placed unprecedented strain on Europe’s Israel-Palestine policy.
Mark Leonard speaks with ECFR Policy Fellows Hugh Lovatt, Ellie Geranmayeh and Julien Barnes-Dacey about reactions to Trump’s recent recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital…
The former president’s death makes diplomatic engagement all the more difficult, but also underlines the folly of leaving Yemen on the backburner
A shocking report on the apparent slave trade in migrants trapped in Libya has focused European attention on combatting smugglers. But ‘cracking down’ on migrant networks is not the answer
Egypt’s government is not currently a constructive partner for the West in fighting violent extremism
Mohammad bin Salman is engaged in a risky bid to remake Saudi Arabia at the same time as rebalancing power regionally