EU Differentiation FAQ
What is differentiation and why does it matter?
What is differentiation and why does it matter?
If Arab states remain committed to increased cooperation with Israel, they should explore how these growing ties could be leveraged to advance Palestinian sovereignty
Am 23. Juni setzten wir gemeinsam mit der Stiftung Mercator mit “What does Israel think about Europe? And why?” die Reihe „Europe seen from the outside“ fort.
In working to rein in manifestations of incitement to violence, Europe must not lose sight of the factors that, while never justifying violence, create conditions that are particularly conducive to radicalisation
In its attempts to stymie the BDS campaign against Israel, the UK government has fundamentally misunderstood the legal necessity underpinning measures directed at Israeli settlements
In a chaotic region, lonely Turkey and Israel are trying to put old grievances behind them
Con Daniel Levy y Mattia Toaldo, del programa ECFR MENA
Desayuno organizado por ECFR Madrid, Política Exterior y esglobal, con la colaboración de Caixa Forum Madrid
Israel’s strong reaction has much more to do with the way the EU is challenging the “Greater Israel” narrative promoted by a growing number of Israeli politicians
What tools do European politicians have at their disposal to help end rising bloodshed in Israel and Palestine?