European Power

Trump’s dirty tricks

Although US President Donald Trump’s efforts to undermine the election are shameless, they are still more subtle than the outright election rigging that one finds in places like Belarus. Like other authoritarian leaders, Trump is deploying a new anti-democratic politics that has yet to be fully comprehended

Hope for a new “UN moment”

When the United Nations celebrates its seventy-fifth anniversary this September, the US will still be misgoverned by a transactional president who has no interest in global rules. But if that precludes a rebirth of global multilateralism this autumn, things could look very different next spring

The other Putin on Europe’s doorstep

By weaponising immigration and launching new foreign adventures, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is increasingly acting like his Russian counterpart. And though such behaviour speaks to a deteriorating political situation at home, Europeans can no longer assume that Turkey will remain firmly in the Western fold