European Strategy

Trump vs. EU: The dead end of the normative approach

A divided EU – with an unstable Germany, a UK on its way out and renegade central eastern member states – is only of interest to the US as an ally in competition with Russia and China

The migration crisis is not just about Merkel

Take a look at the German party system – including the AfD’s role as largest opposition party – to understand the faultlines running under the chatter about Merkel

Mali’s impunity problem and growing security crisis

On June 13 Malian soldiers and security forces were responsible for killing more than 30 civilians throughout the country – the government and international forces have been unable to reverse the trend

Berlin’s new language of compromise

European politicians have made an abundance of normative speeches on Europe, but few on the politics of cooperation. German leaders’ recent interventions hint at a turning point in this trend. 

Merkel and Macron: edging towards change?

Angela Merkel finally responds to Emmanuel Macron’s Europe reform plans – but through the pages of a newspaper, and in only the most guarded of terms

How to Save Europe

Keynote speech at ECFR's Annual Council Meeting in Paris 29 May. 2018. Check against delivery.