How Merkel and Hollande stalled the EU’s engine
To qualify as an engine of integration, the two countries need to demonstrate their willingness to go it alone if need be.
To qualify as an engine of integration, the two countries need to demonstrate their willingness to go it alone if need be.
On Tuesday 22nd September, the Berlin Foreign Policy Club discussed the current dimension of the migration crisis and put hereby especially focus on the consequences for the Union.
How can Europe tackle the challenges of the current refugee crisis and shape a common EU migration and asylum policy?
To lead the EU may seem like a burden; it is, in truth, an historic opportunity
Despite staving off Greek disaster for now, Merkel and Schäuble have had a frosty reception from political allies in Berlin.
Merkel has shown little appetite for the “vision-thing”, but the Greek crisis threatens to push the Chancellor out of her comfort zone
Informelle Diskussionsrunde über die Zukunft des europäischen Integrationsprojekts
Germany’s obsessive debate between a value-based and an interest-based foreign policy has returned
Runder Tisch zur aktuellen Lage in der Ukraine und wie diese von den Ukrainiern selbst bewertet wird
Myths and symbolism have accompagnied the fundamental transformation of the gathering