German foreign policy leadership

The swansong of Germany’s foreign policy president

Gauck’s commitment to bringing the German people into the conversation has helped to widen the space for a challenge to a stronger German role in European and international security

Sound and fury over Germany’s genocide vote

Turkey’s outrage at the German vote on the Armenian genocide is for domestic consumption – ErdoÄŸan is careful not to derail his deal with the EU or become still more isolated

Armenian genocide, German realpolitik

At a time when Germany and the EU are depending on Turkey’s help to solve the refugee crisis, the German political class clearly feels the need to demonstrate that this does not give Turkey a free hand when it comes to democracy and human rights issues

Germany’s defence doublespeak

While Germany's role in security is of increasing importance, German politicians must downplay it for a domestic audience

The German problem

How Angela Merkel’s handling of the refugee crisis emboldened the far right and led to troubling questions about her future as chancellor