Germany votes: European dilemmas in the Federal Election
In the federal election year, Germans are ready to give new European solutions a strong boost and take more risks
In the federal election year, Germans are ready to give new European solutions a strong boost and take more risks
The remaining 27 EU members have turned the page after Brexit much faster than the UK itself
As the Trump administration amplifies its attacks on the European Union and its collective identity, we would do well to recall the lessons of the 1930s.
Европейският съвет за външна политика (ЕСВП) организира затворена работна среща с г-н Кнут Ейбрахам, Директор „Двустранни отношения с Централна и Източна Европа, Южен Кавказ и Централна…
Angela Merkel is not a fan of flashy titles, but she has already started to build support at home for a stronger Germany in Europe and the world
Czy polityka niemiecka jest w stanie sprostać celom, które sama sobie wyznaczyła?
Are the German policy circles able to meet the objectives set by them?
In a public debate, Almut Möller discussed with Gerald Knaus and Roderick Parks, European border management and migration
ECFR Heads of offices and experts discussed the question What is Germany´s new role in foreign policy leadership?
The EU debate in Berlin has moved on to one that is more instrumental, aiming to work out what the Union can contribute to protect and empower Europe’s citizens to continue their lives in freedom, security, and prosperity.