Britain in Europe

Brexit Weltschmerz: An era ends

Britain helped bring modern, unified, and peaceful Germany into being. Its Brexit convulsions have trashed this historic reputation – probably for good.  

A hard Brexit looms

Prime Minister Boris Johnson seems to have the momentum to get his Brexit deal over the line – and to follow up with a general election triumph while the electorate are still sighing with relief

When European politics becomes personal

As the United Kingdom has hurtled ever closer to the Brexit cliff, once-abstract notions of a transcendent European identity have gained substance, and millions of people who still believe in the European project have come out in support of it. The question now is whether the European idea can win out over resurgent nationalism.

Brexit is making Europe stronger

The EU27 are holding together throughout the twists and turns of Brexit. This is simply because it is in their interest to do so

Brexit disorder: Corbyn and May

The British prime minister and the leader of the oppositions are stuck in cynicism and opportunism