The impact can be described as nonexistent. Orbán is an isolated leader within the EU, has no partners and fails to establish constructive dialogues
Media mentions – European Sovereignty
Many in Germany […] still assume that an EU industrial strategy would amount to them having to support the rest of the bloc – but that gets things the wrong way round
Daniela Schwarzer discusses lessons Draghi’s report on competitiveness holds for Germany
Strategic autonomy is a concept that divides Europeans between ourselves
Europeans will respect Americans’ choice of their next president. But it is in Europe’s hands to act now and take concrete steps to bulwark its security and economy
Camille Grand co-writes a call for Europe to prepare for a possible return of D. Trump with d’Arancha Gonzalez Laya, Katarzyna Pisarska, Nathalie Tocci and Guntram Wolff
Which country will still dare to take the risk of democracy and alliance with Europe if we abandon it in the face of threats and perils?
Nathalie Loiseau says that Europe has never been so contested by those who prefer the law of the strongest to the rule of law
In Davos we can see that everything has changed: politics is back in the driver’s seat, and geopolitics is increasingly determining economic and business prospects. Europe risks marginality
If we don’t want to be sleepwalkers in today’s world, it would seem advisable to start investing in a European defense capability today, so that we can defend ourselves if need be
People do not know what legal value the EP report has. In Poland, when the parliament passes something, it becomes law, but this is not the case in the Europarliament
Law and Justice is threatening a radical change to the EU treaties that will not happen. But at the same time it makes it difficult for a future government to discuss the necessary reform of the Union