Course correction in US-Iranian relations: A road map for the Biden administration

Joe Biden has vowed to re-enter the Iran nuclear deal. In a recent report for Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Ellie Geranmayeh looks at what concrete steps can be taken by the United States, Iran, and Europe to bring all parties to the nuclear deal back into full compliance, noting that time is of the essence.

Magnitsky-style sanctions in the Eastern Partnership

Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine are all working to enact individual legislation sanctioning human rights abuses – Magnitsky-style. If they pass, they would infuriate the Kremlin. 

In memory of Sylke Tempel

Along with the entire Berlin foreign policy community we mourn the tragic death of Dr Sylke Tempel. At the same time our thoughts and hearts…

The Ossetian neverendum

South Ossetia is in a precarious position, but as far as the locals are concerned, Russia is the only saviour