Defence, Security and Tech

The transatlantic divide on Iran

In 2017, differences between European leaders and US President Donald Trump on several global security objectives have strained transatlantic relations. Nowhere are these differences more…

EU defence efforts miss the open goal again

“Big noise on stairs, nobody coming down.” Alas, the old Chinese saying applies all too aptly to the European Union’s latest scheme for promoting defence…

German public says ‘jein’ to European security

A new poll shows that the German public is increasingly concerned with security, but is dismissive of its American security guarantor and unwilling to pay more to help Europe replace it

Pesco, the impotent gorilla

Criticisms of PESCO could equally be applied to Germany’s broader security and defence policy

Time for the Sleeping Beauty to wake

Whether Europe will be able to make a difference in foreign policy depends on whether member states can fulfil PESCO’s commitments

Attribution is what states make of it

It is high-time for the Europeans to wake up from their hopes and dreams to build norms and rules for state behaviour in cyberspace

The UN GGE is dead: Time to fall forward

The top down UN GGE process appears dead in the water. International norms and laws for responding to cyber attacks must now be built from the bottom up

Countering online radicalisation

Part of the solution is to rely on the internet’s most essential strength – its vast army of ordinary users