Представяне на доклад – Да разцъфтят хиляди контакти: Как Китай се съревновава за влияние в България
Гледай на Фейсбук Софийският офис на Европейския съвет за външна политика има удоволствието да Ви покани на представянето на новия доклад…
Гледай на Фейсбук Софийският офис на Европейския съвет за външна политика има удоволствието да Ви покани на представянето на новия доклад…
In the latest iteration of our India-China Luncheon Series, Jayadeva Ranade will shed light on the Indian perspective of China’s radical policy shift under Xi Jinping
NBR, Institut Montaigne (IM), and ECFR partner for a joint virtual event to discuss China’s global digital strategy
Lt Gen SL Narasimhan will discuss how India can enhance its security and promote its national interest in an unbalanced strategic environment with China.
This panel is part of the annual Japan-Europe Core Group Warsaw 2022 on “The Future of Russia-China Relations – Implications for European and Japanese Foreign Policy
Over the course of the day, we will discuss how Europe and Asia can redefine the Indo-Pacific in terms compatible with their mutual interests. The 3 sessions will look specifically at trade, connectivity, and the Green Transition
How should Sweden and Europe adapt to the rise of geo-economics, keeping their markets open but minimizing their vulnerabilities?
Where do China and India converge and diverge on climate governance? How do their geopolitical tensions impact their climate diplomacy?
How does Beijing manage its diplomatic differences with Delhi? The ECFR Asia Programme is delighted to invite you to our second webinar which is part of our virtual luncheon series dedicated to the future of India-China relations
The ECFR Asia Programme is delighted to invite you to our online webinar which will be the launching session of a luncheon discussion series dedicated to the future of India-China relations