
China’s technology revolution

China's politics is being transformed by the internet. But while individual officials live in a state of 'internet terror', the arrival of managed social media could paradoxically help the communist party to stay in power.  

What’s really surprising about the China-Japan standoff

Look beyond the headlines and the hysteria and there are some important questions to be asked about the diplomatic standoff betwen China and Japan over a scattering of rocky islands, especially as Beijing brings in a new cohort of leaders.   

Who is winning on human rights at the UN?

The gathering of world leaders at the United Nations this week will be punctuated by angry statements on the Syrian…

China – a challenge for France?

Can France still afford to have its own 'China policy'?  Historically France has been struggling to build a balanced political and economic relationship with China. But a more effective French 'China policy' will also require more European cooperation.  

The great Sino-American divorce

Since the global financial crisis in 2008, we have been living through the slow and painful end of 'Chimerica'. Now the terms of the separation between the two nations risk awkward discomfort for the rest of the world.  

Multilateralism: Moscow rules?

With Russia due to play a central role in multilateral institutions over the next two years, its obstructionism over Syria does not bode well. However Europeans may find – to their benefit – that it is actually China that calls the shots on the international stage.