The Chinese-Russian Eastern Partnership: Implications for the UK and Europe
Are Russia and China building an alliance which would fundamentally alter the geostrategic landscape in Eurasia and beyond?
Are Russia and China building an alliance which would fundamentally alter the geostrategic landscape in Eurasia and beyond?
L'ECFR a le plaisir de vous inviter à un BCM animé par Richard Bitzinger et Mathieu Duchâtel
Taiwan’s government has little room for manoeuvre to forge a path independently of China
One year on, Germany's decision to back the AIIB appears to be paying off
L'ECFR a le plaisir de vous inviter à un BCM animé par Sebastian Veg, Jérôme Doyon et François Godement
Podcast du Black Coffee Morning “Discipliner et punir – le parti sous Xi Jinping” du 20/04, animé par Sebastian Veg, directeur d’études au…
ECFR’s director Mark Leonard talks with ECFR's research director, Jeremy Shapiro and Asia & China experts Angela Stanzel and François Godement about Trump's Asia policy…
El viernes 17 de marzo, ECFR Madrid y Esglobal organizaron un desayuno de trabajo sobre el Sudeste asiático, China y España.
Avec Jeremy Shapiro, Abigaël Vasselier et Tara Varma
There is now broad consensus in the German government that the current level of scrutiny of foreign investments is insufficient