
Obama and Europe?s vanities

What Obama wants from Europe is a solid partner in a multipolar world, not 27 photo opportunities

The real Taliban

The Taliban in Afghanistan are often portrayed as a single, monolithic entity. They’re not

An open letter to EU leaders

Ahead of the G20 summit, ECFR calls on EU leaders to show the vision and leadership to develop a coordinated position on the financial crisis

The hour of Europe

A clear message must be sent to those who are doubtful about the EU’s worth: we are in this together

Kabul Diary

Daniel Korski writes from Afghanistan about his most recent on-the-ground observations

Why Britain needs the euro

Andrew Duff explains why the time has come for Britain to decide to join the euro

Getting Afghanistan Off Drugs

Destroying the poppy fields hasn’t worked. The US should focus on long-term development to solve Afghanistan’s drug problem

The Eastern Partnership in crisis

What is the likely impact of the crisis on the Eastern Partnership, the attempt to resuscitate the European neighbourhood policy and focus EU’s political attention on the East?