Wider Europe

Trump’s Ukrainegate could help Ukraine

The US president's impeachment process ensures Ukraine stays on the radar of Americans – and this may work to Ukraine's advantage

Ukraine prisoner swap: A sign of hope or desperation?

The West is drawing the wrong lessons from Ukraine’s exchange of prisoners with Russia. It now risks rushing Kyiv into an unstable ‘resolution’ to the conflict in Donbas

Emmanuel Macron’s very big idea on Russia

Negotiations with Russia over a new European security order would have huge – to many, alarming – implications for Ukraine, the EU, and the NATO alliance

Ukraine’s broadening horizons

Zelensky's visit to Turkey signals the growing importance of Turkish-Ukrainian relations

Two decades of Putin

Two decades on from his ascent to power, Putin cuts a lonely figure in a political desert

Borrell in the Western Balkans

Borrell will need to add depth to his dialogue team to ensure a comprehensive deal between Kosovo and Serbia