US Foreign Policy

The crisis of American power

While America’s crisis of democracy has been clear to see in recent months, equally consequential is its crisis of power on the world stage

Poland’s misplaced American dreams

Much of the world is glad to move on from Trump – but Poles may still be hankering after earlier times

Second acts: How Europe can renew the transatlantic partnership

This could be the moment to build a more balanced transatlantic relationship, with Europeans showing the US where we need it to engage, and how – rather than simply waiting for cues from Washington

Building back a better transatlantic alliance

Even with a new, far more sympathetic US administration, it will be incumbent on Europe to come to the table as a co-equal power bearing solutions, rather than as a helpless child begging for protection and guidance

Views from the Capitals: What Biden’s victory means for Europe

What will a Biden administration herald for Europe? The heads of ECFR’s seven offices report on the mood in the capitals