In:Sight China

Sunset of the economists

Two decades ago, China’s reformist economists walked the halls of power and dictated policy. Now, they have been sidelined in favour of a new priority: national security. What happened?

China Is Ready for a World of Disorder

The very different responses of China and the United States to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine revealed the divergence in Beijing’s and Washington’s thinking. In Washington,…



Sunset of the economists

Two decades ago, China’s reformist economists walked the halls of power and dictated policy. Now, they have been sidelined in favour of a new priority: national security. What happened?

China Is Ready for a World of Disorder

The very different responses of China and the United States to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine revealed the divergence in Beijing’s and Washington’s thinking. In Washington,…

Russia’s war on Ukraine viewed from China

Westerners regard Russia’s war as an attack on the rules-based order, but Chinese scholars see it as another harbinger of the denouement of US hegemony. While Americans and Europeans can argue with this position, it would be a mistake not to take it seriously


China is becoming ever more important to global affairs. But the covid-19 pandemic, as well as political and geopolitical challenges, mean Europeans’ ability to engage with Chinese thinkers and understand their views and ideas about the world has diminished.

In:Sight China examines debates among Chinese intellectuals and think-tanks on their country’s place in regional and global politics, its economic model, its political and social organisation, and its position on climate action – explaining them for a European audience. The project also explores the impact of these geopolitical, geo-economic, and energy stances on China and the world. It will culminate in a book that provides a broad overview of these topics and allows for a better understanding of China.

In:Sight China is supported by Stiftung Mercator and the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), Ireland.

Stiftung Mercator