
Go east, Sweden

The Swedish presidency should tour the EU’s eastern periphery to ensure the region does not feel forgotten

Moldavija – pozabljena de?ela na robu EU

Če v Bruslju ne bodo vodili “dejavne” politike do Moldavije, bo v njej zavladal avtoritarni re?im, kakr?nega imajo v sosednji Belorusiji

Moldova: time to take sides

The decision to hold a recount in Moldova’s disputed election offers the European Union an opportunity to rediscover its democratic agency, says Vessela Tcherneva

ECFR makes its pitch in Sofia

ECFR launched its Bulgarian office today with an international conference attended by leading academics and foreign policy thinkers

German Foreign Minister addresses official launch event

In front of a 600-person audience, leading ECFR council members conducted a lively discussion on the future of a common EU foreign policy. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier gave a keynote address.