Ulrike Esther Franke talked to Deutsche Welle about the increasing importance of drones
Media mentions – Ulrike Franke
Ulrike Esther Franke spoke to Deutsche Welle on the German military's approach to drones
Ulrike Esther Franke is quoted on the use of drones by ISIS
Ulrike Esther Franke is quoted on Franco-German relations after Macron's election
Ulrike Esther Franke analyses the visit of French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron in London
In an op-ed for the German Council on Foreign Relations “Frankreich Blog”, Ulrike Esther Franke comments the French Presidential Elections 2017 from the British perspective.
Ulrike Franke's article on the future of drones
Ulrike Franke's article on flying IEDs.
Ulrike Franke on the consequences of the EU referendum leave vote on the United Kingdom
Ulrike Franke on Brexit being a huge loss to the British economy