Ulrike Franke interviewée par France 24 à propos des négociations de coalition en Allemagne
Media mentions – Ulrike Franke
Ulrike Franke speaking at the Munich security conference
For Deutsche Welle news, Ulrike Franke sums up the Munich Security Conference report as “anti-Trump.”
Ulrike E. Franke is quoted in the Huffington Post on the crumbling of the Merkel era.
Germany charts its place in the world, but struggles to adapt to changing realities, writes Ulrike Franke in an op-ed for War on the rocks.
Ulrike Franke writes on the use of drones and German policy
Ulrike Franke interviewée par France 24 sur les concessions faites par Angela Merkel dans l'accord de coalition en Allemagne
Ulrike Franke interviewée par France 24 sur l'accord de coalition en Allemagne.
Ulrike Franke discusses European views of Brexit on BBC Radio 4. (min 16:26)
Ulrike Esther Franke speaks to BBC World Service about Germany's worsening relationship with the US (44:20)