Experts & Staff

Tarek Megerisi

Senior Policy Fellow

Areas of expertise

Libya, North Africa, Euro-Med cooperation, stabilisation, and democratisation


English, Arabic


Tarek Megerisi is a senior policy fellow with the Middle East and North Africa programme at the European Council on Foreign Relations. His work mainly addresses how European policymaking towards the Maghreb and Mediterranean regions can become more strategic, harmonious, and incisive – with a long-term focus on Libya.

For more than a decade, Megerisi has worked with various regional, European, and multilateral authorities on providing reform and stabilisation assistance to transitional states in the Middle East and North Africa. He has been involved in a range of projects, including post-conflict stabilisation, development and democratisation, Libya’s domestic and international political processes, economic reform in Tunisia, and the eastern Mediterranean disputes. His articles have featured in publications such as Foreign Policy magazine and the Guardian newspaper, and he has contributed to think-tank programming across the United States, Europe, and the Middle East and North Africa.

Germany’s quiet leadership on the Libyan war

Although Germany’s mediation role in the Libyan conflict has received relatively little attention so far, this might change if its initiative leads to a peace conference – or, alternatively, a collapse of the political process

Can Germany stop Libya becoming the new Syria?

The forthcoming Berlin conference offers the chance of a diplomatic breakthrough for all sides in Libya’s proxy ‘civil’ war. Will they seize the opportunity?

France’s strongman strategy in the Sahel

The French response to internal threats in North African countries has been to reinforce authoritarian rule to keep the peace. But it could inflame miltancy in the long run, especially in Chad and Libya. 

New currents in Libya’s stagnant waters

The most important development in Libya’s recent history may have just taken place. And it was not a high-level summit, but a new expression of popular opinion on Libya’s future



At the precipice: Averting a civil war in Libya

After weeks of rising tensions between Libya’s political elites, the country is nearing collapse. Europeans must act fast to avoid another conflict on their doorstep

A cautionary tale: Why the UK’s Rwanda bill is doomed for political failure

Finally passed into law, the UK’s bill to process migrants in Rwanda has been a political disaster. European governments should remember that not only does such a policy not work to deter migration, it will politically damage any party that adopts it

Infinity war: Libya’s reoccurring conflict

Libya is trapped in a degenerative cycle of war. Yet Europeans could use the current stalemate in the country to restart an electoral process that would end the cycle

Unsettled: The impact of the Russia-Ukraine crisis on the Middle East and North Africa

Heightened conflict in Ukraine could have serious consequences for European interests in the Middle East and North Africa. It could further disrupt energy supplies, exacerbate food insecurity, and help states in the region gain leverage over the US and Europe

The great game: A geopolitical Euros

If policymakers watch closely enough, football might just provide the perspective and insights they need to advance a geopolitical Europe

Cooling-off: How Europe can help stabilise the Middle East

As countries across the Middle East pause to take stock of recent conflicts, Europeans need to do more to support dialogue



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