Will the US and Russia go to war over Syria?
The good news is that neither Washington nor Moscow sees the advantage of a showdown on Syria. The bad news is that the confrontation could still escalate.
ECFR Alumni · Former Programme Director
Middle East, Syria and Lebanon
English, Arabic and Hebrew
Ruth Citrin used to be Director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme until April 2018.
The good news is that neither Washington nor Moscow sees the advantage of a showdown on Syria. The bad news is that the confrontation could still escalate.
Ruth Citrin speaks with Ellie Geranmayeh, Julien Barnes-Dacey and Hugh Lovatt, about the state of play in the MENA region and the considerations for Europeans…
Mohammad bin Salman is engaged in a risky bid to remake Saudi Arabia at the same time as rebalancing power regionally
ECFR’s director Mark Leonard talks with ECFR’s head of MENA programme Ruth Citrin and Iran expert Ellie Geranmayeh about the consequences of Trump's decision to…
The vote is more an expression of Kurdish aspirations than an act of separation
Europe can help set a forward-looking agenda by encouraging a pragmatic approach focussed on smaller, achievable aims.
The good news is that neither Washington nor Moscow sees the advantage of a showdown on Syria. The bad news is that the confrontation could still escalate.
Mohammad bin Salman is engaged in a risky bid to remake Saudi Arabia at the same time as rebalancing power regionally
The vote is more an expression of Kurdish aspirations than an act of separation
Europe can help set a forward-looking agenda by encouraging a pragmatic approach focussed on smaller, achievable aims.
Ruth Citrin speaks with Ellie Geranmayeh, Julien Barnes-Dacey and Hugh Lovatt, about the state of play in the MENA region and the considerations for Europeans…
ECFR’s director Mark Leonard talks with ECFR’s head of MENA programme Ruth Citrin and Iran expert Ellie Geranmayeh about the consequences of Trump's decision to…