Europe's trust in the US is broken, our Unlock study reveals.
Media mentions – Pawel Zerka
Europeans have accepted the fact that Trump’s America is not necessarily a friend to Europe in a time of need
The new Unlock study reveals that Europeans' perception of the US had become increasingly negative
Pawel Zerka speaks about nationalist trends and closed borders following the spread of covid-19 in Poland and other EU member states
The upcoming presidential elections can considerably complicate Poland’s relationship with Europe
Piotr Buras and Paweł Zerka analyse how EU is seen in Poland and how that view has changed
Piotr Buras talks to Jacek Pawlicki about EU's approach towards COVID-19 crisis and the possible aftermaths
“Topic of the EU is becoming increasingly dividing for Poles”
If the public debate plays up the perceived link between the virus, borders, and migrants, this will come dangerously close to arguments about national purity and racial superiority
Pawel Zerka quoted on the refugee question in times of corona.
Pawel Zerka quoted on the possible wins for populists in the coronacrisis
Pawel Zerka quoted on Poland's attempt to hold the presidential elections during the corona crisis
Pawel Zerka et al. “The Third Side of the Weimar Triangle: Franco-Polish Relations in the Trilateral Context§