Europe is in a state of “trauma” according to Susi Dennison's and Pawel Zerka's policy brief.
Media mentions – Pawel Zerka
Pawel Zerka talks about Europeans' changing perception of the US
Most Europeans believe that the European Union’s reaction to the crisis caused by the pandemic has been poor and has not been up to the challenge
The new Unlock report analyses how covid-19 impacted the Europeans' perception of the EU.
New Unlock study shows that hostility towards the United States is growing
The Unlock study has revealed growing negative sentiment towards the US and China in Europe
42% of Europeans are considered “strategic sovereigntists”, preferring a EU level response to the global challenges they are faced with
The results of ECFR's new report “Together in trauma: Europeans and the world after covid-19” on how Europeans see the Transatlantic relationship after Covid-19 quoted on Le Journal du Dimanche
Susi Dennison and Pawel Kerka's new policy brief “Together in trauma: Europeans and the world after covid-19” was referenced by Pierre Haski during his Geopolitics programme
Europeans’ trust in the US is gone. Many have been appalled by the [US’s] chaotic response to Covid-19
The Unlock study reveals that the coronavirus crisis has caused a dramatic deterioration in the European public perception of the US
Finally, and perhaps most damningly of all, a large plurality (and, in some cases, a majority) in every surveyed member state described the EU as having slipped into irrelevance in the coronavirus crisis
The new Unlock report studied the changing views of Europeans towards the EU and the world
Now, Europeans’ trust in Trump’s America is gone
The Unlock study showed that in almost every country surveyed, there was an increasingly negative perception of the U.S