Experts & Staff

Nussaibah Younis

ECFR Alumni · Visiting Fellow

Areas of expertise

Iraqi politics, governance, political mediation, stabilisation, youth inclusion and combating violent extremism


English, Arabic


Nussaibah Younis was a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations. She is an expert on Iraqi politics and an experienced team leader in the development sector with thematic expertise in governance, political mediation, stabilisation, youth inclusion and combating violent extremism. Younis serves as senior advisor to the European Institute of Peace, and as senior consultant to the DT Institute. She is the founder of the Iraq Leadership Fellows Program, which brings together young Iraqi civil society activists and aspiring political leaders for intensive leadership development training. Previously, Younis has been the director of the Task Force on the Future of Iraq at the Atlantic Council, which developed a strategy for US engagement with Iraq beyond the war on ISIS.

Iraqis vote to restrain armed groups

In the wake of Iraq’s parliamentary election, European states should be highly cautious about publicly engaging with Iraqi policy on armed groups. They should only help Baghdad deal with this issue following a direct request

Iraq’s parliamentary election will produce more of the same

It is important for Europeans to be realistic about the Iraqi government’s ability to enact reforms. As Iraq’s next governing coalition will include many deeply reactionary groups, the country will continue to struggle to address the long-standing challenges that create domestic instability

Why Turkey should stay out of Sinjar

European governments should clearly communicate their opposition to a potential Turkish military incursion into Sinjar, which would undermine the government in Baghdad while failing to remove the PKK from the area



Iraqis vote to restrain armed groups

In the wake of Iraq’s parliamentary election, European states should be highly cautious about publicly engaging with Iraqi policy on armed groups. They should only help Baghdad deal with this issue following a direct request

Iraq’s parliamentary election will produce more of the same

It is important for Europeans to be realistic about the Iraqi government’s ability to enact reforms. As Iraq’s next governing coalition will include many deeply reactionary groups, the country will continue to struggle to address the long-standing challenges that create domestic instability

Why Turkey should stay out of Sinjar

European governments should clearly communicate their opposition to a potential Turkish military incursion into Sinjar, which would undermine the government in Baghdad while failing to remove the PKK from the area