Nick Witney

European defence: More smoke, but will there be fire?

There are plenty of ways Europe can improve defence co-ordination – if its leaders truly want to move down this path. The determining factor will be political will in national capitals.

Salvage from the breckage

​“Out” is not a long word, or a difficult concept. But, as the post-referendum turmoil continues, many Brits are having obvious difficulty getting their heads around it.

Britain’s sovereignty chestnut

Die-hard sovereigntists may wish to preserve the Englishman’s historic right to bathe in his own sewage, or be treated in A&E by an exhausted doctor – most of us will be glad that EU membership from time to time pushes our own authorities to do the right thing

Britain is part of Europe – like it or not

Its fate is inextricably bound up with that of the rest of the continent and its nation states, just as it has always been – we are condemned to sink or swim together

Real solidarity with France

France's call for European support in response to Paris attacks is an opportunity for the EU to renew cohesion over military cooperation