Nick Witney

The EU’s Strategic Compass: Brand new, already obsolete

The Strategic Compass underlines the collective action problem at the heart of European attempts to pool defence efforts and resources: everyone agrees that closer integration is essential, but everyone wants someone else to go first

Out of the dark: Reinventing European defence cooperation

Russia’s all-out war on Ukraine has convinced many European states to rebuild their militaries. In doing so, they should initially focus on readiness, capability gaps, and joint equipment procurement and research

AUKUS: After the sugar rush

The initial high of announcing AUKUS has faded for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has returned from the United States to face a less congenial domestic agenda

Britain’s global pipe dream

The UK’s Integrated Review clings to old illusions and ignores today’s situation on the ground. Britain should accept the realities of geography and rebuild cooperation with its closest partners

The great Brexit heist

Following an uncompromisingly hard Brexit, all the new limitations and sources of friction in Britain’s economic, political, and human interactions with the EU will only now kick in

Views from the Capitals: What Biden’s victory means for Europe

What will a Biden administration herald for Europe? The heads of ECFR’s seven offices report on the mood in the capitals