Jeremy Shapiro

Another fine mess: Syria after the US exit

Turkey’s invasion means Europeans can no longer be bystanders to Syria. They must now take three urgent steps

Emmanuel Macron’s very big idea on Russia

Negotiations with Russia over a new European security order would have huge – to many, alarming – implications for Ukraine, the EU, and the NATO alliance

The case for a sovereign Europe

The EU's lack of sovereignty is becoming a threat. Against the Trump administration and in the face of emerging economic and technological markets, the EU risks lagging behind

The emigration election: Why the EU is not like America

Migration is not the defining issue for most Europeans. As they head to the polls, concerns about the economy and climate change often have higher or equal salience. 

NATO at 70: Celebration and introspection

As NATO enters its eighth decade, it looks back on an impressive history of durability – and ahead to the challenge of wavering US commitment. 

How Trump killed the Atlantic alliance

The transatlantic alliance is dead, and Trump has killed it. How could the next president restore it? 

Warsaw ‘Iran’ summit: What lies beneath

ECFR experts share their insight into the manouevres around next month’s US-Poland summit. What does it mean for the JPCOA, and what steps should European countries take in response?