Daniel Levy

Ten global consequences of the Ukraine crisis

Russian actions and Western responses to them could accelerate the unwinding of the current international order

Making the most of Geneva II

The Geneva II conference on Syria will finally convene in Switzerland next week. Prospects for an immediate or dramatic breakthrough are decidedly bleak, yet that should not be the bar against which the merits of convening Geneva II should be measured

Maximum Bibi

Peace in the Middle East? Not if Benjamin Netanyahu has anything to say about it

Eight things to consider before intervening in Syria

Before any Western intervention in the Syrian conflict, eight key issues need to be considered – from the goals of intervention and the legal issue to the regional impact and the possibility of a diplomatic alternative

Who will pick up the pieces in Egypt?

This week's violence in Egypt is a watershed moment in the country's recent history, heralding more political contestation that is likely to be both harsh and unbalanced in favour of the government