Plenty of war clouds but no daylight in Governor Romney’s speech
Mitt Romney's foreign policy speech focused almost exclusively on the broader Middle East region. But what he really advanced was a policy of weaponised Keynesianism.
President, US/Middle East Project
ECFR Alumni · Director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme
Middle East, National Security
English, Hebrew
Daniel Levy used to be head of the Middle East and & North Africa programme at ECFR until 2016.
Mitt Romney's foreign policy speech focused almost exclusively on the broader Middle East region. But what he really advanced was a policy of weaponised Keynesianism.
Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu eulogized the country's seventh prime minister, Yitzhak Shamir. At first glance the two strike very contrasting profiles yet in terms of ideology and policies, they are probably the two most kindred spirits to have held the office.
Europe would seem an unlikely place to look for fresh thinking regarding the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Yet that is precisely what just happened.
The best outcome for E3+3 negotiations is a partial enrichment freeze. Short of that, more talks will at least avert military action.
Israel’s largest opposition party has joined the Prime Minister’s coalition rather than go to elections. Most of this was about raw political calculations – but it also offered an insight into the thinking of Benjamin Netanyahu.