Ellie Geranmayeh and Almut Möller quoted on the European leaders' push back against President Trump’s decision to strip US backing from the Iran nuclear deal
Media mentions – Almut Möller
Josef Janning and Almüt Moller quoted in L'Echo about the German leadership in the European Union
Berlin and Paris should not lose time in making the best of the current momentum, writes Almut Möller in an article for the Berlin Policy Journal
Almut Möller quoted in “Ouest France” regarding the debates on Europe during the German electoral campaign
Almut Möller comments on the transatlantic ties between Germany and the U.S. and on Macron's meeting with Putin
Almut Möller warns not to overestimate Merkel's recent statements on weakened US-EU relations
Almut Möller analiza la visión de Alemania en las elecciones presidenciales francesas y el futuro de Europa.
Almut Möller discusses what to expect from Macron's victory in the French presidential elections on Deutschlandfunk radio
Almut Möller quoted on Germany's stances on French presidential candidates
Almut Möller discusses the Brexit negotiations in an interview with SWR radio