Almut Möller writes for the “AufRuhr” Magazine of Stiftung Mercator about the challenges of European cohesion the new Commission will face
Media mentions – Almut Möller
Die Welt mentions Almut Möller's new appointment as Hamburg’s EU and Foreign Affairs State Councillor
The Tagesspiegel mentions Almut Möller's appointment as Hamburg’s EU and Foreign Affairs State Councillor
Head of the Berlin Office, Almut Möller, in an interview with Süddeutsche Zeitung on what it takes to become a good EU Commissioner
Head of the Berlin Office, Almut Möller, talks on Deutschlandfunk about Brexit, the American Afghanistan strategy and more
Almut Möller is quoted by the Irish Times on the position of Germany in the Brexit negotiations
In an interview to the journal International Politics and Society, Almut Möller talks about von der Leyens election and the consequences for EU politics
Almut Möller guested the podcast 'Stammtisch' and spoke about the resignation of the SPD leader and what this means for Chancellor Merkel's Grand Coaliton.
Almut Möller discusses the significance of the upcoming European elections.
“Cohesion is a central concept for the EU” said Almut Möller in an interview with Deutschlandfunk.