Economic crisis

Iceland in the EU? Yes, but?.

The Icelandic application for EU membership is a little bit special: propelled by the economic crisis, the EU’s eagerness will annoy other potential accession states

Short-termism in the long run

Europe should be a model for liberals the world over. But today, Europe is increasingly characterised by fear.

Co-ordination is key to G8 success

Enlarged G8 summits are proving to be inefficient and the EU bears much of the blame

Rescue plans

The economic crisis has highlighted the lack of respect member states have for the European Commission

An open letter to EU leaders

Ahead of the G20 summit, ECFR calls on EU leaders to show the vision and leadership to develop a coordinated position on the financial crisis

The hour of Europe

A clear message must be sent to those who are doubtful about the EU’s worth: we are in this together

Peripheral care should be the central concern

Unless the G20 summit comes up with practical measures to support the less developed countries, markets are going to suffer another sinking spell

More trouble ahead

Endless political infighting and the economy in the doldrums – as if the gas dispute weren’t bad enough, Ukraine is lurching from one crisis to another