The end of Germany’s China illusion with Janka Oertel

Mark Leonard welcomes Janka Oertel to discuss her new book “End of the China illusion” and the West’s biggest misconceptions about China

In her state of the union address, European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, announced an anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese electric cars. This summer, the German government released its first comprehensive China strategy, noting that “China has changed, and therefore we must change our approach.” These events mark a turning point in EU-China relations.

In this week’s episode, Mark Leonard welcomes Janka Oertel, director of ECFR’s Asia programme, to discuss her new book “End of the China illusion: How we must deal with Beijing’s claim to power”, published by Piper Verlag (in German). What threats does today’s China pose to Europe and to Germany? What are the West’s biggest misconceptions about China? And what, really, does China want?

This podcast was recorded on 20 September 2023.


Ende der China-Illusion: Wie wir mit Pekings Machtanspruch umgehen müssen | Janka Oertel

Five Times Faster: Rethinking the Science, Economics, and Diplomacy of Climate Change | Simon Sharpe

Lenin: The Man, the Dictator, and the Master of Terror | Victor Sebestyen

Cover image:
Janka Oertel, director, ECFR Asia Programme, Senior Policy Fellow speaks at European Conference 22 in Industriens Hus in Copenhagen, Friday 3 June 2022
Image by picture alliance / Ritzau Scanpix | Philip Davali

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