Lead time: How Germany should move on from Merkel | Episode 4 – Tech

What are the necessary steps the new German government needs to take to advance and support European tech sovereignty?

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Welcome to ECFR’s special limited podcast series, in which we bring you the most pressing items on Germany’s foreign policy to-do list for its new government!

Episode 4 – Technology

In our fourth and last episode, we’ll discuss how Germany should tackle digitalisation and tech innovation. As this area had been somewhat neglected during the Merkel years, the new government should buckle up, shoulder this massive task and really start shaping its own and EU efforts on tech sovereignty.

Find out more about our tech sovereignty work: https://ecfr.eu/category/digital/  

Find all our recommendations for the next German government here: https://ecfr.eu/topic/german-election-2021/

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