
Spain’s new culture war

The inauguration of the most fragmented parliament since 1978 will usher in a period of culture war centring on national identity

Crisis in Iran will drive wedge between Europe and Washington

The assassination of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani is a turning point for relations between the United States and Iran. It also pulls U.S. allies in Europe deeper into uncharted waters, and threatens to leave European forces on the ground caught in the crossfire of escalation between Tehran and Washington

European Green Deal: Bring in the Western Balkans

The Western Balkans can play an important part in maximising the impact of the European Green Deal – but the EU will need to find ways to fully involve these countries.  

Europe and China after Brexit: The 5G question

A decision looms for Britain on 5G and Huawei. London’s choice will signal whether it wishes to stay close to Europe when dealing with Beijing – or to go its own way

Turkey in Libya: Filling the European vacuum

Europeans could still keep Libya a multilateral affair, if they can bring France onto a shared platform – and deploy newfound unity to draw American influence back in

The Green Deal will make or break Europe

The European Union's new leadership has decided to invest much of its political capital in a plan to position Europe as the global leader in the transition to a carbon-neutral economy. But if too many constituencies feel as though they are being sacrificed on a green alter, the plan will never even get off the ground