
Iran, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad: A marriage of convenience

Iran may not be directly behind the 7 October attacks on Israel, but Tehran has long worked to strengthen groups such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The broader dynamics within the Middle East have, in turn, limited these groups’ choices, prompting them to turn towards Iran for support

Freedom’s gambit. How to save Belarusian prisoners of conscience

Just beyond the borders of the EU, the prisons of Belarus hold thousands of hostages of the Lukashenko regime. There is no magic formula for their release, but the EU can draw on international examples to save the lives of at least some of them

High-voltage trade: How Europe should fight the electric vehicle wars

The electric vehicle industry demonstrates the challenges of de-risking in practice. The EU needs more than tariffs if it wants to prevent a looming over-dependence on Chinese electric vehicles without strangling its own green ambitions

Tipping point: The risks of Palestinian displacement for Egypt

Israel’s expanding ground-offensive threatens to push Palestinians out of Gaza and into neighbouring Egypt. This would worsen an already dire humanitarian situation and risks destabilising Egypt, an important European partner

Democracy under siege: Tackling Russian interference in Moldova

Moldova’s recent local elections faced unprecedented levels of Russian interference. In the lead up to the presidential election next year, the EU should help Moldova counter these threats before it’s too late